Publishing and updating ideas

The ideas you publish are shown to people who follow you and to people who follow the ticker that you're publishing about. Your followers get notified when you publish a new idea, and the best ideas float to the top on the front page of TradingView and dedicated ticker pages.

Creating top ideas and becoming a top author takes time. The first step is to become a consistent publisher, whether daily, weekly, or monthly. Here are some tips, tricks, and reminders when publishing on TradingView:

  • Be on topic. That means sharing ideas related to trading, investing, or the financial markets.
  • Quality over quantity: Provide a meaningful idea description that explains your analysis and is helpful for other members to understand your reasoning. Even trading signals have a reason behind the entry, please elaborate on why you enter a trade here in the specified direction.
  • Do not invite visitors to your publication to engage with you in private messages. TradingView is all about sharing content, so provide the information publicly.
  • Public ideas can be edited or removed only within 15 minutes after publishing. After that, it's impossible to edit or delete them. In addition, Ideas with a time frame of less than 15 minutes can only be published privately or sent in chat or Minds.
  • Don't publish "after-the-fact" ideas to show off your gains or ideas where the price moved significantly in your direction to show you were right. Use the "Update Idea" function in your initial analysis to keep the community informed on how a setup played out.
  • Invite-only, private, or unpublished scripts are prohibited in public ideas. The only exception for invite-only scripts is How-to's published by vendors (see our Vendor Requirements).

Besides the abovementioned rules, all publications are subject to the general house rules. Any publication that contains a violation of any house rule will be hidden by the moderators, the reputation gained through it will be lost, and additional actions may be taken (warning, ban).

We look forward to seeing your published ideas and making the TradingView community a positive place to publish ideas, grow, and meet others. To help you, here are some tips to post awesome ideas and get a lot of views.