
For many actions, it can be convenient to use hotkeys. For example:

  • Open Settings dialog:
    Windows, Linux: Ctrl + ,
    macOS: Cmd + ,

  • Open New tab:
    Windows, Linux: Ctrl + T
    macOS: Cmd + T

  • Duplicate tab:
    Windows, Linux: Ctrl + U
    macOS: Cmd + U

  • Open New window:
    Windows, Linux: Ctrl + N
    macOS: Cmd + N

  • Reload tab:
    Windows, Linux: Ctrl + R or F5
    macOS: Cmd + R

  • Close window:
    Windows, Linux: Ctrl + W
    macOS: Cmd + W

  • Open an accidentally closed window or tab:
    Windows, Linux: Shift + Ctrl + T
    macOS: Shift + Cmd + T

  • Switch to the next / previous tab in the window:
    Windows, Linux:Ctrl + Pg Dn / Up or Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
    macOS: Cmd + Pg Dn / Up or Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab 

  • Go to specific tab:
    Windows, Linux: Ctrl + Number (from 1 to 8)
    macOS: Cmd + Number (from 1 to 8)

  • Go to the rightmost tab:
    Windows, Linux: Ctrl + 9
    macOS: Cmd + 9

  • Close the application while keeping open windows and tabs:
    Windows, Linux: Shift + Ctrl + Q
    macOS: Cmd + Q