How much data is available for Bar Replay?
The length of historical data in Bar Replay can vary depending on the selected symbol and chart timeframe. For daily and daily-based timeframes, we display all available data on the chart, and the same data can be used in the Bar Replay mode. For intraday timeframes, TradingView keeps a limited amount of data, and the length in Bar Replay varies depending on the plan.
Essential plan
- Calculated using the formula: now to 6 weeks back, multiplied by timeframe in minutes
- The higher the timeframe selected, the more intraday data is available
You can go 6 weeks back on the 1-minute chart, 12 weeks back on the 2-minute chart, 30 weeks back on the 5-minute chart, 90 weeks back on the 15-minute chart.
Plus plan
- Calculated to give more historical intraday data for Bar Replay: now to 6 months back multiplied by timeframe in minutes
- The higher the timeframe selected, the more intraday data is available
Plus users have access to 6 months of 1-minute data. For a 2-minute timeframe, this limit is doubled, and a year of 2-minute data is available; for 3-minute it is tripled and 18 months of 3-minute data is available.
Subscription | Seconds-based timeframes | 1-minute | 2-minute | 3-minute | 5-minute | 15-minute chart |
Essential | - | 6 weeks | 12 weeks | 18 weeks | 30 weeks | 90 weeks |
Plus | - | 6 months | 12 months | 18 months | 30 months | 90 months |
Premium and professional plans
Our Premium and professional plans (Expert and Ultimate) provide even more historical intraday data for Bar Replay and allow you to play absolutely all data available in TradingView's data storage. By “all data” here we really mean all historical data that we have, with no extra limitations set. For all time intervals, whether it’s 1 hour, 1 minute or even 1 second, you’ll get access to the maximum depth of data history and you’ll be able to play it in the Replay mode as far back as the symbol’s data is available on TradingView.
The amount of historical data may vary depending on the selected symbol and chart timeframe. On intraday timeframes, TradingView keeps a limited amount of data. As a result, the length of the data on intraday timeframes may be shorter than on daily ones. For example, if you play NASDAQ:AAPL on a daily timeframe, the daily history starts from December 12, 1980, while 1-minute AAPL data starts from January 3, 2000, and the earliest 1-second bar in Replay dates from August 17, 2022.
For some symbols, we have 1-minute data as far back as 2011, for some, back to 2009, while for others, the data can extend even further, back to 2000. So, you can play up to 20+ years of minutes data in the Replay mode. At the same time, other symbols have shorter intraday history, therefore less data is present in Replay.
For all seconds-based timeframes, TradingView stores the data starting from August 2022, and the earliest seconds-bar in Replay dates from 2022-08-17.
So, Premium and professional-tier plans can replay the data as far back as the symbol’s data is available in our storage. Here are some examples:
Symbol | Initial 1-second bar | Initial 1-minute bar | Initial daily bar |
NASDAQ:AAPL | August 17, 2022 | January 3, 2000 | December 12, 1980 |
NASDAQ:MSFT | August 17, 2022 | January 3, 2000 | March 13, 1986 |
SP:SPX | August 17, 2022 | January 3, 2000 | January 1, 1871 |
TVC:VIX | August 17, 2022 | April 8, 1997 | January 3, 1990 |
TVC:DXY | August 17, 2022 | March 13, 2007 | January 31, 1967 |
FX:EURUSD FX:GBPUSD | August 17, 2022 | November 28, 2001 | January 4, 1971 |
BITSTAMP:BTCUSD | August 17, 2022 | August 18, 2011 | August 18, 2011 |
BITSTAMP:ETHUSD | August 17, 2022 | August 7, 2015 | August 7, 2015 |
Please note that the above-mentioned replay limits are not applied to continuous futures charts — 1! and 2! symbols (for example, ES1!, BANKNIFTY1!), and to futures contracts with the enabled setting "Use settlement as close on daily interval" as they have their own special intraday limitations due to their synthetic nature:
- Premium, Expert, and Ultimate users have access to 30 days of seconds-data of synthetic symbols for all seconds-based timeframes.
- Premium, Expert, and Ultimate users have access to 1 year of 1-minute data of synthetic symbols. For a 2-minute timeframe, this limit is doubled, and 2 years of 2-minute data is available; for 3-minute it is tripled and 3 years of 3-minute data is available, and so on.
- Plus users can go 6 months back on the 1-minute chart, 12 months back on the 2-minute chart, and so on.
- Essential users can go 6 weeks back on the 1-minute chart, 12 weeks back on the 2-minute chart, and so on.
To find out where the initial replayable bar for a certain symbol according to your subscription is, please turn the Replay mode on, choose “Select date…” in the dropdown at the replay panel and then press “Select the first available day”.

So, you can initiate the replay from the very first bar or any other bar within the available history from the “Select date” menu.
Additionally, to access deep intraday data, you can select the starting point for Bar Replay on a higher timeframe and then switch to a lower timeframe. For example, if you want to play older 1-minute bars, you can go to the daily timeframe, turn on the Replay mode, choose the “Select bar” option, and select the starting point manually somewhere on the chart within your plan's limits. Then, switch to a 1-minute timeframe and press Play.

If the specified starting point for the replay is too far away and there is no data available for the selected time period, Bar Replay will automatically bring you to the first available bar.

When you switch timeframes from higher to lower ones, it may happen that there is data available on the higher timeframe (e.g. 1 day) that is not available on the lower time frame chart (e.g. 1 min) as the intraday plan’s limit has been reached or there is no intraday data in our data storage this far back in time. In this case, you will see the message “Data point unavailable” in the bottom left corner of the chart, and your timeframe remains unchanged.
If you want to use a lower timeframe in Replay anyway, you need to choose a starting point where a lower timeframe data is available by using the “Select date” option → “Select the first available day”.