What is the Crypto Coin Screener?
The Crypto Coins Screener allows you to analyze crypto coins and tokens based on various analytical metrics, time frames, and technical indicators.
You can open the Crypto Coins Screener from the main menu:
A menu with features opens when you click on the template's name. The Popular screens section contains popular templates with filters:
Specific analysis filters and columns are located in the Analysis section of the corresponding dialog boxes. This section contains indicators: the number of transactions, the volume of transactions, the number of coins in circulation, and more.
In addition to column sets with familiar technical indicators, the new screener contains column sets with analytical indicators available only for crypto coins:
- Valuation in this column sets basic financial information about coins available, such as the number of coins in circulation, total number of coins, Market capitalization and others;
- Addresses in this access column, information about the number of addresses with the balance of a given crypto asset, the number of daily active addresses and others;
- Transactions here is all the information about transactions: the number of transactions, the volume of transactions of a given crypto asset;
- Gains and Losses ratio of profitable, unprofitable addresses and others;
- Sentiment in this column sets there are metrics on the social activity of a particular crypto project, for example, the number of subscribers in Telegram and the number of positive or negative reactions on Twitter.