How to select replay interval for the Bar Replay
In the market simulation mode, you can choose different intervals for replay.
The replay interval is the amount of time that corresponds to one data update in the Bar Replay mode. If it is set to 5 minutes, then for each tick in the replay mode, data will be added that corresponds to 5 minutes in real-time.
The current interval is displayed on the simulator control panel to the right of the replay speed. Clicking on it will open a menu for selecting available intervals for this chart.
The minimum replay interval for second charts is 1 second, and for intraday and daily intervals, it is 1 minute. Weekly and monthly charts can only be played in one-day intervals.
The available replay intervals in the Bar Replay mode for several charts are selected, considering the smaller intervals selected on the charts. For example, if there are two charts in the workspace - AAPL 5 min and AAPL 1 day - then the replay intervals of 1 min and 5 min will be available for them.
For the AAPL 2 min and 17 min charts, only 1 replay interval is available - 1 minute because it is the only interval that evenly divides the chart intervals (2 and 17 min).