How to apply the created preset?
1. After saving the preset, it appears in the preset menu in the Order window. You can easily apply the desired preset by selecting it from the list. If any parameter is not suitable for the instrument on the chart, a window will open with information about the inapplicable parameters.
2. If you have a saved preset, the preset menu button will appear next to your chart's Buy/Sell buttons.
After selecting a preset, it will be highlighted in color in the menu, and its name and tooltips with its parameters will be displayed on the buttons.
3. If the preset is applied in the Buy/Sell buttons, then using the hotkeys Shift+B and Shift+S in the Placing orders without confirmation mode, orders are placed with the applied Order preset.
4. If the preset is applied in the Buy/Sell buttons in the Placing orders with confirmation mode, when you click on the button, the Order Window will open with the applied Order preset. However, the Order preset is not applied when opening it from the Trade button.