ADA - March 3rd Wedge Convergence for a 37% pop or dropBefore March 3rd there will be an ADA convergence pop up or down. 37% down to volume gap or a retest of previous high for a 37% gain.
I'm inclined to lean to the bullish side given the recent roadmap milestone.
The Cardano blockchain is transitioning to a decentralized form of governance today through the activation of the Plomin hard fork. The hard fork will go live at around 9:45 PM GMT on January 29, 2025.
Following the hard fork, delegated representatives (DReps) will be able to vote on Cardano governance actions using their own ADA, as well as ADA tokens delegated to them by individual holders.
Earlier today, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson shared the 2025 roadmap published by Input | Output (IO), the company leading the technical development of the Cardano blockchain protocol. The roadmap outlines IO’s key goals for 2025 based on three main areas of focus:
1) Scalability
2) Usability and utility
3) Interoperability and extensibility
Some of the most exciting initiatives included in IO’s 2025 roadmap include the privacy-focused Midnight partner chain, advancements in smart contract development tools, the Ouroboros Leios consensus protocol and the Hydra layer 2 scalability solution.