MSMR aims to take advantage of trends in the US equity markets using two different strategies. The strategies make up two sleeves in the portfolio at approximately 50/50 ratio. The first sleeve is managed according to a trend-following approach that uses various technical indicators to assess trends in the US equity markets. This piece of the portfolio invests in large-cap ETFs during uptrends, and toggles to investment-grade bond ETFs during downtrends based on a series of stop levels. Sleeve two uses a momentum scoring system to rank various ETFs focused on a particular industry, sector or asset class. The result may have significant exposure to particular sectors or industries or may be primarily exposed to broad-based equities or bonds. Sleeve twos strategy also employs a macro monitor overlay to identify periods of downward trends. When it indicates downtrend, the strategy moves to allocate 100% to defensive ETFs which include investment-grade bond and US dollar ETFs.