TOV is a passively managed ETF that seeks to advocate Jewish values while investing in large-cap US equity securities. From a starting universe of 500 large-cap US stocks, the fund screens out companies that receive more than 5% of its revenue from a business activity considered as trief or not fit. The fund also excludes companies on the sub-advisers Do Not Invest List that identifies companies that engage in an egregious act or partake in persistent, irresponsible business conduct. Using various data sources, the fund uses a framework to score each company under the Jewish value pillars of Rodef Shalom (Combat Antisemitism & Hate), Shmirat Yisrael (Support for Israel), and Tikkun Olam (Repair the World). The total score from each pillar and its subcategories lead to the final grade of Excellent, Good, or Needs Improvement. This final assessment determines how a company is overweighted, unchanged, or underweighted. The index is reconstituted and rebalanced quarterly.