OPENING (IRA): XBI NOV/DEC/JAN 87/90/93 SHORT PUT LADDER... for a 5.91 credit in total.
Notes: Going where the volatility is ... . 30-day greater than 35% (39.8%) with the November at-the-money short straddle paying 13.1% of where the stock is currently trading.
This isn't usually an IRA play I go for, since you won't get paid to wait if you get assigned shares (the yield is absolutely paltry at .10%). However, I'm pretty much in all the plays or in a closely correlated play at the top of the exchange-traded-fund board: XOP (56.2%) (play on in XLE); GDXJ (51.1%) (plays on in SLV and GLD); SLV (47.7%); EWZ (47.5%); GDX (42.9%) (plays on in SLV/GLD); XLE (42.6%), and SMH (39.6%) (no play on).