Hollywood260ABMar 11BATUSD a mud-hog, a dinghy, and some pillows is all it would take to float this boat... iykyk
EuroMotifModMar 27, 2024BATUSD dipped to fib but Stop Loss not hit yet, thus my placement "behind" fibs tradingview.com/x/yLYYFA5e/ could easily hit it still, but the fib is giving it a chance
EuroMotifModMar 26, 2024BATUSD 2nd fib target hit, closed 75% of longs now, letting rest ride with trailing stop just below fibs
EuroMotifModMar 23, 2024BATUSD hourly view tradingview.com/x/z1lM7qWI/ watching 30 cents for break and retest
EuroMotifModDec 23, 2023BAT daily tradingview.com/x/mCo27fnq/ held critical support at .2159, needs 30 cents to join the bull run