AAPL ..Apple aka macintosh, is hitting a wallWell like I said in the last, here is another CyQo-Cpyder-Nest
Should say how I got these lines but you dont answer anything you werent asked, just a family code I lived by from my grandfather..a young boy to Czech immigrants in the Northeast. Also it was reiterated to me and 6 close buddies by John Bogle himself who was dining with us, one was his nephew, and said a lot...but one thing I'll share is write and explains my lst published post idea:
"They are all animals, you are to treat them as such. When you approach them you be kind like you are there for help and to naturally coexist using each other's strengths. But when you see them turn wild...you must contain them and give them the prison they want- a vacation resort to them- yet you see it as a prison. You know why its a prison boys? Cause they can't think for themselves...they actually dont want to. These refuse. They want someone..something..some, whatever comes up- those phones you boys have..and shouldnt get used to..those can be the next mind distractor. Never turn down free when you logically see it as a benefit. Did the guy who wants to sharpen his skills giving free shaves seem too good to be...of course- but you give him a try, cause a man with a stock trade or a thrifty CEO- like some of your dads- may say something to him. Ha.HA..Granted I'm saying this to you boys at a place like this that cost 45 grand for highschool, but one of you here I'm told was a prior animal...with hard working parents of no means..Ha, you said your dad pulled over a man and gave him a free pass. That free pass was number to call for you to get into here- what if your dad threw out the paper with a number....You wouldnt be at the fine table with Mr. Vanguard himself..Now where did he get off to. Thanks and pardons for leaving- a call awaits."
^^^I give fun levels and fun stories..from one of the greats himself...and you didnt do anything- I think its what you called the roaring 20s lol or 50s..helping and building lol
Toodle..until I get another Idea for Doodles you dont know what you dont ask...