Bullish Outlook on Upstart Holdings (UPST)Technical analysis involves evaluating historical price action and volume patterns to predict future behavior. The technical analysis for UPST shows mixed signals. The stock price of UPST is below its 20-day simple moving average (SMA), which is typically a bearish signal. However, it is above its 50-day and 200-day SMAs, which are generally considered bullish signals. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator is -0.9, suggesting a sell signal, while the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is 49.69, indicating the stock is neither overbought nor oversold.
The entry point for the trade is $36.33, slightly above the last current price of $35.62. This could be based on the expectation that the stock will continue its upward trend. The exit point, or take profit point, is set at $39.54, which could be based on a resistance level or a calculated profit target. The stop loss is set at $35.26, slightly below the last current price, to limit potential losses if the stock price goes down. The total profit of $320.58 and total loss of $106.86 are likely calculated based on the number of shares to be traded and the difference between the entry point and the exit or stop loss points.
In conclusion, while the market sentiment is bullish and the technical analysis shows some positive signals, the fundamental analysis suggests caution. Therefore, this trade seems to be based on a short-term bullish view, with a clear plan to limit potential losses and take profits at a specific level.