SIVB BAC3.12.23 I think this event with regard to SIVB Portends some blowback and more downside to the markets. This doesn't mean that the market isn't going to correct a little bit higher first. I talked about a video by wealthion that you should listen to because they tell you how you can protect yourself with your money in a brokerage firm and how much Safer it is than having it in the bank. I can tell you that I had a brokerage account some years ago.... I forgot that I had the account when the news came out it's at brokerage was going out of business for fraud. It was about a month or so later that I realized I actually had 25,000 in that Brokerage firm. I opened up that account as a backup for my main account, But I forgot I ever had it until I was sent information after the Firm went into receivership, I believe it took almost 10 years to get 50% of the losses back on that account and I never traded it. So brokerage accounts can lose your money too when they miss manage the accounts. Even so, you should listen to the video.... especially if you are planning to trade for a long. Of time because you're young and enthusiastic and you know you're going to trade one way or the other.....listen to what this Fund manager is telling you.