I CALLED AMD, AND IM CALLING NIO TO $14 - $14.50 BY EOD FRIDAYKey level is to buy right around $12.50 - $12.30... Wait for the likely liquidations and retracement above that $13.26 line.
You have two good plays tomorrow if you're into options:
-Buy 12/2 Put $13 strikes right above that $13.26 line. Sell right below $12.50 for those ITM gains.
-Flip over to the 12/2 Call $13 strikes as soon as price goes below $12.50 and ride to at least $14 or higher. Start your take profits at $14 and start trailing stops to $14.50... Obviously sell them before the end of the day, unless you really want to exercise them (more profits in just selling them).
I was talking about $13 "CALLS" at the end of the video, but I actually meant PUTS.
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