NIO Long on Disappointing EarningsNIO's disappointing earnings were not a surprise. Given the context of China's recession, NIO
did better than many expected. TSLA is down as well. NIO is doing as well as most of its peers.
On the 120 minute chart, NIO is down 60% from the end of the year highs. The RSI indicator
confirms that NIO is in oversold undervalued territory. NIO is at the bottom of the high volume
area of the profile and has been trending down with the first lower VWAP line as resistance.
I see NIO as likely to trend up as the China economy improves and for that to be reflected
in the next earnings report. NIO's innovative battery swapping program where the car owner
buys a car without a battery and is able to swap out an energy depleted battery for a freshly
charged one in 3 minutes at any of the NIO owned battery stations as a way for NIO
to excel no matter competition from the others in China including TSLA. NIO is now selling
cars in Scandinavia which should serve as steeping stone to further expansion in Europe.