50 % Short S+P 500, 5/3/19 CloseMy continual belief,
that the stock market is hanging on a proverbial limb,
as price continues to rise day after day, to new records,
all the while bearish divergences continue to grow has been well documented.
I have made the point continually advising on tradingview.com
that the only way to catch a substantial market decline
is to be accumulating short positions, against the trade+ and just sitting tight,...
...waiting for the break to occur.
This belief allowed me to go 50 % short, the S+P 500,
using my favored trading vehicle SPXS,
the 3 X Short S+P 500 ETF on the close on 5/3/19
Weekend news of a potential breakdown in US/China talks
should allow short position to go into deeply the money,
when market's open for trading Monday morning.