RSI bearish divergence+ overbought Short at 5382have a nice Bearish divergence in H1
overbought much in h4,daily,weekly
Many Gap have not been filled too
the us stock is much overbought so i think they will correct also and so will make the ger30 and fra40 follow them move.
and the eurusd will cetainly make a small puback who ill weigh on the ger30 who i repeat is linked with fra40 not at 100% this last week but usually around 95% positive correlation
i enter at 5382 we can see he block since 3-4 candle h1 to pass it so it should return back first/
i open 2 position same as all time
1 will be cut at target 1 and second in trailing stop
for the Stop loSS i let you manage it lie is not a big trade cannot do a good ration if put SL so me i will put it around 5435 and the RR will be 1/2