JPM SELL (JP MORGAN)Hi there. Price is forming a continuation pattern to the downside. Watch strong price action for thunderpips11
Pair Trading Idea JPM/PRUApplying some of the most popular indicators on the pair JPM/PRU shows an interesting pattern. While PRU NYSE:PRU has been clearly outperforming JPM JPM since several weeks, a trend reversal seems to occur. JPM might catch up in the coming days and weeks. The daily and the weekly RSI (1st indicator at the top "Ultimate RSI Multi Timeframe"), the Wave Trend Oscillator (2nd one) and the ultimate MACD oscillator (3rd one from the top) reversed recently from their lower ranges. The Squeeze Momentum Indicator (at the bottom) shows a nice divergence, which is also observable on the RSI. The price action confirmed the reversal in the last days. The setup is worth being given a shot: Short PRU, Long JPM. The strategy is market-neutral and is profitable when JPM starts to outperform PRU. Follow me to get regular pair trading ideas!by Optionopedia4
JP MorganWait for the Dow and S&P to run the stops and then a big short on Mr Dimon.Shortby TraderSimon118
****GREAT LONG CANDIDATE****NYSE:JPM above 1,2 and 3 day VWAP and 5 day MA. Buy above yesterday's high of 105.37Longby xtrading_ideas0
JPM SELL TP_90.94_9.98%_10.08pips_SL_105.21_4.15%_4.19pipsJPM SELL TP_90.94_9.98%_10.08pips_SL_105.21_4.15%_4.19pipsShortby UnknownUnicorn2283113Updated 1
Fibonacci Extensions and Retracement Despite the complicated mess of the use of Fibonacci's. I employed the importance of patterns to support when will the next overbuy. Pay close attention to the Fib-Extension charts (grey) and see how the maximum points always deflect off of the 1.414, which is why this current stock should also reach to the 1.414 in the latest (grey) area which also hits the rend line which is horizontal. Last thing is this structure of the triangles ensures a 80% accuracy if the structure of the triangles are as similar and just so, it also marks with the 1.414 and the horizontal trending line. by agarci15350
jp did they fork preferred shares to a crypto coin. Honestly Straight face. One Sly dog or future miss managed leaky backdoor ?by McllroyCharleeUpdated 1