Final Update: BA is going to tank So, this is my final update for BA. I have run the numbers (which I hadn't before previously posting).
I am now regretting that scalp. I should have just held. This thing is going to tank. There's just no other option at this point.
No matter how I run the numbers, no matter how far back in stock data I go and how optimistic I try to make the data (I went up to 5 years back), the projections are hard negative after today. Like HARD negative.
Like so negative your heads are going to spin.
To put it in perspective, I even went ahead and optimistically projected what would happen if BA hypothetically maintained its current level for a week. Result? Still negative.
The only thing that BA could do that would steer the direction less negatively is if BA broke 231 and held it for at least a week. Then the projections turn slightly more positive.
I am expecting a small relief bounce on Monday, but then I think the selling is going to continue. If BA hits 209.28 or lower on Monday, the projection is essentially confirmed. I will be anxiously watching.
It looks like it must be the season of the bear. ;)