SRF - Long ideaBusiness line - Fluorochemicals, Specialty Chemicals, Packaging Films, Technical Textiles and Coated and Laminated Fabrics.
Chemicals Business generates about 43% of revenues.
2 components of Chemical business = Fluorochemicals & Speciality Chemicals
Packaging Films Business generates around 40% of revenues.
Technical Textiles Business generates around 14% of revenues.
Coated and Laminated Fabrics generates around 3% of revenues.
Presence in 90+ countries across the world.`
Market cap of 64,967 Cr
*** The demand for specialty chemicals is expected to rise at a 12% CAGR by FY 22
*** Fluorochemicals Market size expected to reach 70 bn by FY 24
SRF has it major revenues being generated from the above mentioned industries, which are poised for a good growth.
The stock looks to completely move out of its support area and has shown strength in buying.
Expected good returns on a long term perspective.
Immediate Target price - 2538