Time to accumulate wealth
Welcome, wonderful person!
This has been an amazing period filled with anxiety and fear, must admit I felt some myself.
I have been able to stop myself from doing anything whilst panic, and still holding my bags.
I will try to use this period to accumulate as much wealth as I can, meaning get more BTC in my bags.
Will transfer some savings I have had on the side and use that to actively trade BTC.
I am not taking my existing BTC to trade because: "Do not invest in your trades, and do not trade your investments".
My BTC bag is in cold storage and is my investment and will not be traded.
New bought BTC will be my trade bag, and I will not mix investment strategies in this. It will be traded purely based on support and resistant and trend lines.
Happy trading everyone, and stay safe!
Whatever you do, do not take any actions when you feel overwhelmed or in panic.
Take a short break and deep breath, then go back in with a plan!