OPENING: FORD DECEMBER/AUGUST 4/7 LONG CALL DIAGONAL... for a 2.55/contract debit.
Max Loss on Fill: $255
Max Profit on Fill/ROC% at Max: $45 (17.6% at Max)
Break Even: 6.55
Debit Paid to Spread Width Ratio: 85%
Delta/Theta: 47.07/.53
Notes: A small, bullish assumption trade in Ford in one of my favorite synthetic covered call setups. The debit paid to spread width ratio isn't what I generally like to see out of these, with 75% or less being ideal, but part of that has to do with the shorter duration of the front month (31 days 'til expiry) than I would ordinarily go, so I'm fine with that. As with a covered call, look to roll out the call side on approaching worthless with max being realized on a finish above your short call strike. The take profit is subjective, but I usually like to start out with a take profit at max (here, 3.00 -- the width of the diagonal) and then reduce that target with credits received on roll of the short call (e.g., if you receive a .25 credit on roll, reduce your take profit to 2.75).