The Fund is an actively managed exchange-traded fund that attempts to achieve the inverse (-1x) of the return of the ETF for a single day, not for any other period, by entering into a swap agreement on the ETF. A “single day” is measured from the time the Fund calculates its net asset value (“NAV”) to the time of the Fund’s next NAV calculation.
The Fund will enter into one or more swap agreements with major global financial institutions for a specified period ranging from a day to more than one year whereby the Fund and the global financial institution will agree to exchange the return (or differentials in rates of return) earned or realized on the ETF. The gross return to be exchanged or “swapped” between the parties is calculated with respect to a “notional amount,” e.g., the return on or change in the value of a particular dollar amount representing the ETF.(sec. gov)
This chart needs no explanation for those who know what to do..!
Dr. Moshkelgosha M.D
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