ARK - Bring Investors along with Investment "Themes" - Eat ThemDeep Learning, Data Center Paradigm Shift, Digital Wallets, Virtual Worlds,
Bitcoin Transition, EV's, Autonomy, AeroSpace, SLA (aka 3D Printing) and
Genome Science.
To ARK's credit - Transparency is not an issue, providing relevant and
timely information to Investors is a large "Chit" in CW's corner.
To ARK's debit - Youth, relatively new to Investing has adopted the
TESLA Witch without prior knowledge of Events of the Fourth Kind.
Ignorance of previous TTIDs is no excuse for remorse.
Kathy speaks well to the DOTCOM Era rehash, she is, after all, well spoken.
And yet so were a great many during the DOTCON Era, the similarities are
astounding frankly.
She reminds me of a younger, more aggressive Jim Crammer.
Very few remember Jimmy blowing up his own Hedge Fund, instead their
timeline appears to begin an end with "Mad Money" - the Money Honey, Joey K,
etal into the Becky Q / Warren Buffet love affair.
The frenzy can be illustrated by ARKs Capital Under Management - ARK grew
50% in just shy of Six Months.
Passive/Aggressive Investors tossed loads of Capital into ARKs pond.
I've watched Kuh Kuh Cathy invest in some extremely risky Small Caps from Israel
for the purpose of simply creating a chase.
ARK is exceptional at this strategy - and why they are only too pleased to provide
timely updates to their Portfolio adjustments... They create a chase outside the fund.
"I'll just follow Kuh Kuh and buy what she buys - but on my own account, no need to pay
fees when she is guide."
Kuh Kuh's strategy of concentration worked until it did not as there is only so much Junk
one can buy, she became a primary Seller as chasers became late entries or "Disrupters"
to her Strategy.
Smaller, less liquid stocks are outsized positions in ARK's Innovation Fund as well as her
stable of Funds.
Simply put - Kuh Kuh has become the Egg Man.
ARK trapped itself, a post-DotCom Ponzi which has experienced its own disruption
as the Innovation's Fund Share price took a very large clipping.
The first rules of investing - Kuh Kuh thought she was smarter than basic math.
Investing in high-growth, over-valued, hyper sensitive Small Cap Tech has never been
a diverse strategy, it is one of concentration and immense Risk.
Market rotations only serve to compound the Price destruction.
Stable swapped for Speculative... is not management, it is Degenerate Gambling.
Kuh Kuh's Management fees are 25X competitors.
Look before you leap passive/aggressive, Kuh Kuh eats her own.