How I improved my Situational Awareness - Market Update 6/23/202This weekend I pulled up the sleeves and did a lot of post-trade analysis to realize what my biggest weakness was in trading: situational awareness. I developed a market timing model, backtested it on my own trades and on the market and the results were shocking to me. If I had only been trading in good periods, I would have already been profitable. This is despite the fact that I still make a TON of mistakes in execution and risk management. After all the saying is true - anyone can make money in a good market. Now that I know how to identify a good market for my strategy, I developed rules around it in terms of risk management. This will not only help me to reach profitability, but probably also have more peace of mind as I won't be swimming against the currents.
Markets are still not the best for longer term swing trading, so I will focus on shorter trends and potentially risk reversal trades, of which my strategy is still to be developed.