SLV Clouds Rain WealthA Silver Opportunity Upon Us
-Money printing in one form or another initiated around the bottom of the 2008 stock and RE market collapse
-Silver, gold, and bitcoin printing couldn’t keep pace…because they don’t work like that
-If you were in almost all USD at the time (like me), you didn’t get your slice of the free money pie and your retirement account took a massive haircut that hasn’t recovered on an inflation adjusted basis
-Fed balance sheet tapering was a 20y plan to run off the QE purchases. It didn’t work and barely reduced the balance. It stopped last week alongside the Fed Funds rate cut.
-The stock market priced in .50 bps rate cut; Powell only gave it .25 and it’s throwing a fit. Expect more to follow and sooner than planned.
-Several MSM financial publications came out this morning highlighting not only the need to make near-worthless money cheaper, but another round of QE as well. POTUS is calling for it. Gold bugs are being installed at the Fed. The rest of the developed world is already at zero or negative rates.
-This is an inflationary freight train heading your way. The socioeconomic ladder will consist of those that dodged it and those who didn’t. This doesn’t even require trading. Establish a portfolio of cash/silver/gold/bitcoin (if you agree, that is…this isn’t financial advice) at 25% each (just a baseline – balance in accordance with your research and projection) and re-balance quarterly for the next three years.