The SLV Lining of Monetary IdiocyHey everyone. The poor man’s gold looks like the deal of the decade at the moment. I know we’re all in a hurry to pick out Lambo interiors during the upcoming LTC and BTC halving cycles, but don’t miss out on this.
Top chart:
+408% move in the 2009-11 bull market followed by a 72% correction. Sounds eerily familiar, right? More mature asset + more mechanisms by which to suppress price = longer cycles. Markets win on a long enough timeline and price will be discovered when value is realized. No telling if the bottom is in, but it’s just a hair away from 2016 lows and a few bucks off of 2008 prices. Risk seems to the upside.
Bottom chart:
1:92.8 gold/silver ratio. This chart goes back to September, 1997 if stretched all the way out. Never been this high and hasn’t spent more than several weeks above 1:80 until late last fall. Maybe nobody wants silver anymore. Like…ever, ever again. Not for redeemable silver certificates…mobile electronics…electric vehicles…batteries…solar cells…antimicrobial properties…something to soak up the next round of cheap money and QE…idk.
Not financial advice…do your due diligence. But don’t say nobody told ya.