DOW JONES OVERVIEW: CAT IS ON RISK OF A MAJOR DOWNMOVECAT is on risk of both long term and short term downtrend.
On long term basis, price is trading below lower 1st standard deviation from 5-year mean (at 80), risking a downtrend on 5-year basis.
Price has also broken below 10-year mean (at 77), so it has no major support there - and is free to go down.
On short term basis, price ii trading below both 1st standard deviation on 1-year and quarterly basis - thus CAT is in a full fledged downtrend there
What is interesting, quarterly mean is now very close to lower 1st standard deviation on 5-year basis, ad lower 1st standard deviations from quarterly and 1-year means are close to 10-year mean.
Thus CAT is on risk of a major fall, until it breaks above quarterly mean, which will cancel all risks - both on short and long term basis!