Daily PEP stock forecast analysis08-JUL
Price trend forecast timing analysis based on pretiming algorithm of Supply-Demand(S&D) strength.
Investing position: In Falling section of high risk & low profit
S&D strength Trend: About to begin a downward trend as a rebounding trend gradually gives way to increasing limited rises and strong falls.
Today's S&D strength Flow: Supply-Demand(S&D) strength flow appropriate to the current trend.
read more: www.pretiming.com
D+1 Candlestick Color forecast: RED Candlestick
%D+1 Range forecast: 0.1% (HIGH) ~ -0.4% (LOW), -0.3% (CLOSE)
%AVG in case of rising: 0.9% (HIGH) ~ -0.3% (LOW), 0.4% (CLOSE)
%AVG in case of falling: 0.5% (HIGH) ~ -0.7% (LOW), -0.5% (CLOSE)