2/27/25 - $tsm - lobotomiz-ably ez buy2/27/25 :: VROCKSTAR :: NYSE:TSM
lobotomiz-ably ez buy
- let the plebs argue about the ST nvda px action (spoiler - this party has just gotten started)
- TSM is the best semi sharpe
- seeing intc up today does give me a lil shiver. USSA takktics at their finest
- but don't lose sight of the obvious cash gen, clearly a move into the US is +ve for everyone
- lil lev dumparoo at the open allowed me to size up.
portfolio update b/c there's been a lot of rearranging furniture on the titanic of a market:
NXT: 35% deep ITM leaps
OBTC: 20%
TSM: 6% ITM leaps
UBER: 5% ITM leaps
BITW: 5% (new add today)
NICE: 2.5% (leveraged for move)
not talking about the incubation types. hope it helps.
enjoy the dip. remember the index doesn't paint the picture of where we're at. SVIX changed the game. we're probably 80-90% thru this sell off. still awaiting a final capitulation and for bill at pershing to do his best hollywood on cnbc while wiping tears from kramer.
be well. don't lose sight of the target.
HQ names. stack sat.