Overview of Cryptocurrency Volatility - 1D, February, 2023.Analysis of the volatility index in February. Time interval - 1 day.
Currency - USDT or equivalent to BUSD .
The selection is carried out according to the lists of cryptocurrencies that are represented on the spot and futures markets, with a total of more than a hundred coins.
Top 15 Coins (1 day):
1. CFX /usdt - 396.70% (High&Low: 724.65%)
2. COCOS /usdt - 252.56% (High&Low: 568.54%)
3. STG /usdt - 242.04% (High&Low: 419.52%)
4. GRT /usdt - 240.08% (High&Low: 412.45%)
5. HIGH /usdt - 226.14% (High&Low: 472.17%)
6. STX /usdt - 220.43% (High&Low: 504.45%)
7. DUSK /usdt - 220.06% (High&Low: 450.92%)
8. FET /usdt - 218.16% (High&Low: 438.29%)
9. PHB /usdt - 215.55% (High&Low: 432.50%)
10. INJ /usdt - 201.60% (High&Low: 383.71%)
11. MAGIC /usdt - 201.19% (High&Low: 435.49%)
12. RNDR /usdt - 197.10% (High&Low: 442.58%)
13. JASMY /usdt - 195.51% (High&Low: 324.08%)
14. BLZ /usdt - 190.97% (High&Low: 416.32%)
15. OP /usdt - 188.11% (High&Low: 362.62%)
The coin showed the worst result: XRP /usdt - 48.54% (High&Low: 109%).
Full list of analyzed coins: www.tradingview.com
Analysis information for all coins: docs.google.com
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