Veterans Day!Today being the beginning of the week and a bank holiday, the markets were choppy! From looking at the fair value gaps, I can see the potential for the market to drop. I also notice that the candlesticks are exhausting, so a pullback is evident, it’s just a question of how far will we pull back. Right now I positioned myself into a Put Options contract. We will see by tomorrow if anything will occur to help me hedge the position or add to it.
With no economic data releasing until Wednesday, it’s a risk. But thats trading at its core. I am looking at today’s doji candle as a sign that we will pull back a bit more, it’s just a question of when and how much.
Lately we have been on an aggressive bull run that the pullbacks have been very short lived. This is not a problem, it just takes a level of extreme focus, and unwavering confidence in your strategy to exit a Put position at the right time.
We take a moment to study SPY, we see several gaps that were created last week from the run up. What goes up, must come down they say, so I would expect SPY at some point to come down a retest its gap at 593. Tomorrow will provide more data into what the pullback may look like. Until then I will keep my eyes on the futures market and prepare!