Russell2000 Silver10.13.21 Russell is contracting. What happened in silver over the past 2 1/2 days is very important, it is very important to think about how you could've made improper trade decisions if you had not made certain evaluations in real time to guide your decision as to whether you would stay in a market or trade out of that market. In very simple terms, if you find yourself exiting a market when you are along and you want to avoid loss, but the market actually stops and read verses at the very area you were closing your long position, you really have to study why your perception was that the market is going lower when in fact it went higher. Two days ago I was about to tell you to get out of a profitable trade to avoid loss, and that could be a sensible decision if your primary concern is fear of loss... but it's really important to determine if you ever looked at the market more objectively... to think back and ask yourself if you really notice that the market was at support and was potentially still supported by buyers... which turns out to be the case. It is important to recognize that there is such a thing as "errors in judgement", and that this can be due to you failure to recognize what you needed to think about because of your biases....regardless whether you make money or not.