Uranium is Ready to begin its Easy PhaseUranium has been correcting and frustrating traders for 14 months. The sentiment levels should be reset now after correcting and the easy money phase of maybe a year is near.Long15:52by Commodity_TA_Plus2
Uranium versus US EquitiesGood news: We got the breakout and reverse symmetry move target reached. Bad News: Now it has lost a bunch of support levels. Conclusion: This will take some time to heal. #uranium #spxby Badcharts3
Uranium versus spxNarratives and story lines do not matter, price does! Until the daily chart turns up, this is a waste land of under performance. #uranium #spxby Badcharts6
URANIUM headed higherUranium got the pullback into early Q2 into the 80-85$ zone I was looking for and now looks like it is ready to head higher once again to 100$+ and retest the $105 area and likely ne highs in coming weeks/months.Longby WVS_Stockscreen2
Uranium versus spx#Uranium fighting hard to regain momentum vs #Spx, trying to end its correction. Remember, once you realize you are in a correction, you can either: 1) Stick around and hope it resolves upwards 2) Exit and let the dust settle The second option is NEVER wrong.by Badcharts2
$UX1! - URANIUM UPDATE...Has performed better than expected as it pushes on up. Now stretching for my next Target from the 'Bowl' Pattern B/Out which is at $118. I am using the Wkly 12/SMA on the Uranium ETF URA (Not shown) as a warning guide for when the sector may experience some corrective action. Longby SaharasCharts5
Uranium vs InflationMacro capital flows influence the individual price charts more than you think! Below is #Cameco's price chart. Largely carved out by #Uranium's capacity to out perform #Inflation.by Badcharts1
Uranium Renaissance Solar, wind and hydro are not practical replacements for fossil fuels. Nuclear is, and U308 price is starting to reflect the sentiment shift toward the cleanest of green energies. The Fukushima incident created a selloff in uranium for nearly a decade, but the trend has since reversed. Uranium price has been in a healthy uptrend which began in 2021 with price crossing above short and long averages, and now price is trending above all averages with all averages moving higher. Lower PPO and TDI indicators are showing bullish trend and momentum behind price. Not much to not like about uranium and associated mining stocks right now. Get in while the gettin' is good and just hold the line from there. Longby PrepForProfit2
Uranium Metal versus SPX#Uranium itself, is inches away from another breakout versus #SPX500Longby Badcharts2
Uranium Futures Monthly Log ChartEven the #uranium metal is looking to challenge for a breakout... Who else is seeing this?Longby Badcharts114
Uranium Long term Hold Futures Commodity USA Uranium Long term Hold Futures Commodity USA #debadipb #profitsolutions by Sunstorminvest1
Uranium no war no pump | Dump is comingUranium world dont have war for now. so downtime for that commodity.Shortby FuturesTradex3
Uranium Futures UX2 November Update!We had a breakout in October but it failed and is back to chop fest. Interesting is that Uranium Spot Price so far has a breakout. We will have to see how Uranium Spot Price closes for the Month of November. Great info if you are invested in Uranium energy equities or planning on doing so. 03:21by GannAnalysis0
Uranium Spot Hype is Nearing local peakit might cool off next year, i wouldn't suggest investing in uranium and thinking its a long term growth opportunity. stick to facebook, amazon, bitcoin, or googleLongby noam_chomUpdated 220
Uranium versus US EquitiesWho is watch #uranium right now? Bullish construct for #u3O8 versus #spx on weekly log chart. Expecting a +27% out performance. #uraniumsqueeze #fintwit #northstarbadchartsLongby Badcharts223
Uranium Commodity USA Sun Storm Investment Trading Desk & NexGen Wealth Management Service Present's: SSITD & NexGen Portfolio of the Week Series Focus: Worldwide By Sun Storm Investment Research & NexGen Wealth Management Service A Profit & Solutions Strategy & Research Trading | Investment | Stocks | ETF | Mutual Funds | Crypto | Bonds | Options | Dividend | Futures | USA | Canada | UK | Germany | France | Italy | Rest of Europe | Mexico | India Disclaimer: Sun Storm Investment and NexGen are not registered financial advisors, so please do your own research before trading & investing anything. This is information is for only research purposes not for actual trading & investing decision. #debadipb #profitsolutionsby Sunstorminvest0
Uranium Commodity USA Sun Storm Investment Trading Desk & NexGen Wealth Management Service Present's: SSITD & NexGen Portfolio of the Week Series Focus: Worldwide By Sun Storm Investment Research & NexGen Wealth Management Service A Profit & Solutions Strategy & Research Trading | Investment | Stocks | ETF | Mutual Funds | Crypto | Bonds | Options | Dividend | Futures | USA | Canada | UK | Germany | France | Italy | Rest of Europe | Mexico | India Disclaimer: Sun Storm Investment and NexGen are not registered financial advisors, so please do your own research before trading & investing anything. This is information is for only research purposes not for actual trading & investing decision. #debadipb #profitsolutionsby Sunstorminvest1
UX1! Uranium Bullish but overboughtUranium bullish short-med term, energy is bullish in general and likely to continue as inflation bites Short term target not far away...Longby dionvuletich0
Uranium is in an uptrend. Uranium miners should do very wellUranium futures are now tightening at the 21 MONTHLY moving average, above the 50 month moving average, and retesting the lows of 2014 and the highs of 2019. This is the type of signal I've been waiting for to pull the trigger. Here's an example of a small cap uranium miner I like: John Quakes is a great guy to follow on Twitter if you want to learn more about the industry and other mining companies. Just be aware this is an extremely risky sector that's underperformed the broader market for a decade. We're only seeing relative strength this year. As always in markets, things change fast... but I think the tide is turning in this one. All the best Longby LanmarUpdated 3311
UraniumMonthly renko, perhaps a right shoulder? See how the world turns , maybe we have to go back to campfire to heat and cook,by hillbilly2500
Duke Nukem' 3-DFor all my Duke Nukem friends... uranium futures very beautiful rac can lead this to much higher grounds.Longby Badcharts4410