FETUSD Fetch Released World first web 3 LLM today, and yes, it's impressive. Try it now: asi1.ai will be using fetch tokens for the payment system utilizing ASI wallet
Do you know FET (fetch.ai) is constantly unlocking 110K tokens supply everyday and dump them in the market? Which means the FET increases it's circulating supply by 3,300,000 (110K x 30 days) tokens every month, or around 9,900,000 (3.3M x 3 months) tokens every quarterly, and this seems goes infinitely.
So the FET's "earn and burn" mechanism that scheduled quarterly to burn 5,000,000 tokens is really not gonna reduce the overall circulating supply, isn't it?
FETUSD BTC season is done meme season is done altcoins season is done all over. It’s AI coin season!!! AI coin did not outperform yet like other sectors!!
FETUSD sub-$1 was the biggest buying opportunity you may not see again. This is just part of a bigger shift from centralised monolithic AI models towards a more open and decentralised AI ecosystem. This puts ASI in an even stronger position!
FETUSD I think this token can easily 10-50 x in this cycle. Just look at all the smart people working on this infrastructure. I feel confident in the management. I think they will release some big news in the near future.