ppi vs cpiCRUDE OIL is a play on PRODUCER prices out performing CONSUMER prices. #crudeoil #ppi #cpi #gold #silver #stockmarkets notes. bull era for US Stocks bull era for gold silver oil PPI vs CPI 8 year rate of change correction above inclining 8 year moving averageLongby Badcharts2
median home price to median family incomefollowing chart depicts the median home price to median family income using the FRED database. Current house price to income is at historical highs not seen since the end of WW2. The current housing market is one of the most unaffordable markets for the median house hold for the last 70 years.by GoldenDiploma1
Historical Producer Price Index Monthly Log ChartProducer Price Index (proxy for inflation). Round 1 is done. Waiting for start of round 2. Buckle up! #fintwit #gold #silver #crudeoil #inflation #recessionLongby Badcharts115
Copper tracks PPI's rate of changeCopper continues to track Producer Price Index's yearly rate of change. Nothing is random. Everything is financialized. Only charts will show you this. #fintwit #copper #recession #marketcrash #inflationLongby Badcharts0
Producer Price Index versus Consumer Price IndexNon greedy measured move not reached yet. When it does get reached, that's the 1st intermission in commodity bull era.Longby Badcharts2
"recessions are launch pads for gold & silver"Producer Price Index versus Gross Domestic Income The government & central bank playbooks to remedy recessions is THE rocket fuel for gold & silver. #stagflation #inflation #gold #silver #fomcLongby Badcharts115
Rampant Inflation Impacting Producer Price IndexWall Street over the past few weeks appeared to be preparing for a more hawkish Federal Reserve approach to tamp down on sharply rising prices. The FOMC did raise rates by 25 bps, and the markets promptly responded by going higher. The markets' responses indicate the Fed completely lacks credibility in doing anything to get prices under control... instead the Central Banks have committed to stability and adopting a status quo approach in the near term. Rationale appears to be mid-term elections and a desire to not "upset" the markets given tremendous uncertainty. Instead of taking responsible action, it appears that inflation will continue drive higher, and a simple trend reflects PPI raising at least 4% as midterm elections draw closer. Short-term, markets will continue to behave bullish, inflation will continue to rise, and the depth of a total market correction will be deeper the longer this continues. Unfortunately, it's apparent that a regime change will be necessary at the Fed... likely resulting from rampant inflation and a landslide Republican win at the polls. High probability the GOP will have control of both chambers of Congress going into 2023.Longby UnknownUnicorn206300620
Producer Price Index YEARLY Log ScaleSilver JUST had it's 3rd HISTORICAL yearly defined buying area opportunity As defined by producer price index.Longby Badcharts226
CPI vs PPIWhile something SPECIAL is going on with CPI... Something EXTRA ORDINARY has happened to the PPI.Longby Badcharts117
Producer Price Index Historical Monthly Chart4th greatest signal in over 100 years for inflation. Last time we got this signal was in June 2005 (before that in 1966). We all know what silver & gold did from 2005-2011 (and in the 1970s).Longby Badcharts226
Producer Price Index vs Industrial Production Index v2Expect US equities to go in hibernation for +10 years after current blow-off top crashes. Until proven otherwise, will include cryptocurrencies. Got silver & gold?Longby Badcharts10
Producer Price Index vs Industrial Production IndexProducer Price Index vs Industrial Production Index ratio in territory not seen since 1930's... That thick red line was an area where silver normally tops.Longby Badcharts3
Commodities - Accumulation in Inflation Expectations ContinuingThe "Price" of the "Things We Need" in Trend is quite clear. Golden Age of the Inflationary Depression is asserting itself in a clear, concise, and undeniable Thrush. GDP has been Mis-Reported by 10 - 30% consistently. ___________________________________________________ The Financial Economy has two Halves - one contributes to financing the real economy, the other does not. GDP Finance and non-GDP finance. GDP Finance includes: Loans for funding real-economic investment and other expenditures Firm's equity and debt Taxes Social Security Contributions and government bonds to finance public spending ___________________________________________________ Non-GDP Finances include: Inter Alia - Secondary trading in shares, Bonds & Equities Real estate as Capital Investment Trading in Derivatives and Forex ___________________________________________________ Quantity is not Quality - Inflation is a very real Distortion to Economic and Financial Well Being.by HK_L616