BYND Potential Gap FillBYND
Time Frames - 5M + 1HR
Today's bull run was consistent, closing @134.23. We're at a very crucial price point for GAP Range between 137 - 141s. During extended hours BYND continued it's bullish run into the low 137's. Opening over 137 and holding for tomorrow will be a good sign for a gap being filled to the 141's by the end of the week. Watch out for a possible rejection to bring us back towards today PM levels or the GAP below between 125.70s - 127s. I'm keeping a close eye on BYND tomorrow for a potential GAP fill/Rejection play going into ER. Personally, I wont be playing an ER play but the run up and post ER reaction will be a fun one. As we can see the last 5 ERs have had pretty one directional price reactions for at least another 1.5 days. Whether they beat or lose ER - we can confirm after the fact. Trade safe and set SL's.