BioNTech SE : Long Term?Big news announced in Nature, news-articles etc.
(Trade at your own risk!)
While on a short term this stock won't probably boom that much, this news could mean a huge stock opportunity
When we look at the shart we see a huge pump in the corona-period in which they also made (and still make) vaccins, this could be the next one.
Although we should consider that the production, approvement for a new vaccin like this could take years and years we shouldn't underestimate what they've found here and might
find in the future. Cancer treathment will always be needed and a huge dump like after corona isn't really expected.
The stock being at a resistance level could really work out good here, although it might be interesting to wait for the Earnings & Revenue rapport on the 7th of August.
I think the green box is safe to buy/trade in around this period, while if the stock is stumbeling around the lower resistane (orange) you really should think twice!
You also could wait for them to get the vaccin approved etc. the risk you're taking here is a little bit higher than if you would wait for that but the stock price by then would ofc be normally higher than now.
Another stock to watch is ROCHE I (RO) (they co-developed the vaccin).