I’ve got a FEVER, the only script is more $HPQIve got a hunch that there was a substantial jump in home printer purchases and it’s possibly not baked into the BCBA:HPQ stock price.
This is a “No Look Pass” pass..
1. trends.google.com
it’s Google search trend of the phrase “Home Printer”.. Notice the DOUBLING of searches in March.
2. “Ok, we get it Geno.. Everyone was forced to work from home early March and had to buy all this office sh!t so they could work from home. Why would NYSE:HPQ be a trade?”
Answer: Because it’s the 1st thing i realized i needed.
This is the market share breakdown in the Printer world;
1. HPQ, by and landslide share of 34%.
2. Canon CAJ, 19.5%. They reported on 4/23 and just modestly beat both revenue & earnings, for the first time in a while.
3. Epson, at 17%. It trades under the ticker SEKEY, which is Seiko Epson COR/ADR, it’s a pink sheet stock (think: Wolf of Wall Street hookers), that’s traded in the OTC over the counter market. I’m prohibited from trading OTC, but if you got access, awesome-sauce! 👍
For the HP-izzel though, there's 2 tickers.. HPQ, the computer/printer stock.. Not HPE, Bad Bad Bad.
3. HPQ reports on May 21, in a week.. and they missed pretty bad in Feb (Pre Quarentined to work from home) and lowered their estimates for this current Quarter (the Quarentine Quarter). Its the QQ son!
Canon CAJ, already reported on 4/23 and beat estimates and Epson is over the counter pink sheets.