Mediobanca (MB) EBA stress test: Mediobanca is the best Italian institutions: in the adverse scenario of the EBA stress test, Mediobanca sees its Cet1 fully loaded ratio, the main indicator of a bank's capital strength, to go from 14.51% at the end of 2020 to 9.73% in 2023. Mediobanca comes out of the adverse scenario is the highest among the five Italian banks that took part in the examination.
Mediobanca released the earnings for the fourth quarter of the 2020-2021 financial year, filed with a sharp rise in net profit from 48 to 204 million euro, while the interest margin fell by 4.7% to 343.6 million euro. The operating result increased by 8% to 332 million euro.
A dividend of € 0.66, with a yield of 6.6% and a payout of 70%, also confirmed for 2022.