0032 SBUX:xnas - Squeeze [4H] | OptionDate : Thursday 21th October 2021
Time of trade (Malaysia Time) : 00:05
Scanner : DDNK Mega Stocks
Entry Price : $1.04 (Stock price $114.92)
Shares : 10
TP (Take Profit) : $1.55
SL (Stop Loss) : When mother stock reaches $109.17
*Prices are in $USD
Technique (Long Call/SPV/ SCV /Iron Condor/Long Put etc) : Long Call
Expiry Date : Friday 19 Nov 2021 (30 days)
Option Entry Price : $1.04
Strike Price : $120.00
Delta : 0.25
Contract : 10 (1000)
Comments :
- What's on your mind? (What do you think about what you are doing/did?)
Squeeze and I plan to sell within 1 or 2 weeks. I wanted to pick delta 0.3, but I saw a higher volume of options significantly at 0.25 delta. Expiry 30 days. Squeeze looks beginning.
- How are you feeling? (e.g. Energetic and well. Energetic and serabut? Unpleasant and uneasy? FeelsOkayMan etc...)
Good. A chart is a chart is a chart. I'm starting to get tired, so this is my last trade for tonight. Well done Man :).
- Any distractions on your mind? (Lawan ngan gf monkaS).