Marine Le Pen is ramping up the CAC 40. Now.French Election: Investors are very scared about Marine Le Pen
But what did we learned form 2016?
Investors had been scared about the Brexit, Donald Trump and the Italian Consitutional Referendum. Now Investors are scared again. The populist French politician Marine Le Pen is making investors very nervous.
Quote": "Fears are beginning to show in the bond market, where investors are selling French government debt over concerns that the far right politician just might overcome the odds and win the presidential election." Source:
Investors are scared because the polls might be wrong again and Marine Le Pen might win the election like Donald Trump did unexpectedly. Or like the Brexit Vote.
But what Investors underestimate is that Vladimir Putin east of Europe and Donald Trump in the west makes french and european voters more scared about Marine Le Pen or any far right wing party. What investors also underestimate is that Europeans are more open for a strong European Union than ever before.
So lets watch closely the polls about Emmanuel Macron. The market consenus is, that Marine Le Pen is going to win the first election and fail in the second one (best of two). But there is no consensus about the possibility that Marine Le Pen might fall short in the polls and might fall behind Emmanuelle Macron in the next days and weeks. Investors are not prepared for this. Investors are scared, as you could read in the link above. If ever Macron is taking the lead than all those investors betting against France and Europe again got caught on the wrong foot - once more.
So lets follow the polls and see if Emmanuel Macron might take the lead earlier than everyone (!) is expecting this.