VOW I had a bit of hope that they could optimize something and start recovering, but after reading that workers are striking I just lost my hope. They think they live in some kind of matrix universe or something? If there are no sales, no money to pay wages as they used, what strikes have to do with all this.. It just shows their childish mindset. This company is rotten. They might not going to start recovering any time soon. The structure, the mindset has to change first. It takes time. They might still go for -50% over next years with such mindset of problem solving.. No matter how much money German government decides to pump into this rotten company. It is like repairing 15 year old rusty VW, you can do it every year it still rusts.. Key keyword here (RUSTY 15 year old car). Oh well, they have problems that been long time coming.. Now it is time to face the consequences. And they choose to prove something with strikes.. What a bunch of idiots.
VOW I would be surprised to see the price go through 100 without a bounce. I would not be surprised to see the bounce up to 110 or at least 106 before falling further.
VOW correct me if I am wrong, but I have a suspicion, that VOW is buying its own shares to keep them from crashing. Look at the data - only 9.7% shares are free float, which in total is 5.4B given the MC of 55.71B. Because this chart just does not look normal. No volatility, just a dead bounce. Strange situation.