Good opportunity on GRTGRT/USDT (The Graph)
Sector: DeFi / AI & Big Data
The Graph is a Web3 project offering numerous services, mainly providing data over 50 blockchains, servers for dApps and other automation systems for builders.
The GRT token enjoyed a certain amount of hype during the previous Bull Market and managed to earn a place in the Top 50 most capitalized cryptocurrencies. On the chart, we can see a long accumulation pattern during the 2-year Bear Market and a consistent first rise at the start of this year.
Like the rest of the market, this token has suffered a decline over the last few months, but this has enabled us to retest the old resistance levels and observe that they have bounced the price back several times. We are now structuring above this key level.
We could briefly go below this new support level and then go back above it to form a bullish reversal structure pattern and look for new highs over the coming months.