ICP will surprise us all . . .Another thing rarely factored into the Crypto price volatility v regular investments (from what I read ) is that , unlike many types of regular investment , which takes days to come into effect, the largely independent Crypto trader can jump in and out within seconds, 24/7/365 . .
This factor in itself is revolutionary, I still get a buzz buying some more ICP at these give-away prices while half-way up a mountain on a Sunday hike !! . .Hardly surprising the conventional Financial World, like the Banks, are frozen in terror of DEFI/CRYPTO . .tech has finally replaced them - they are superfluous /redundant . .and they know it !!!. .Buy on Brothers and Sisters, the writing is on the wall . .the cats out of the bag, the genie is out of the bottle . .no one is able to stand in the way of this revolution . .the people are voting with their money . .and this is just the start !!
OF COURSE Crypto is volatile - and that goes both ways, people like it . .a fast moving World needs fast moving systems . .the business potentials lying dormant within the Crypto concept are simply mind-blowing...the Smart Contract aspect itself is one of the most revolutionary social advancements of the past 300 years !!!