25 Metrics to a Perfect Trading Journal First let’s begin with…
What is a trading journal?
This is a log book where you plot every trade you make with the metrics to show how your portfolio is performing and will continue to do so.
I’m going to briefly list the items you’ll need to track your trading performance.
25 Items to plot in your trading journal…
The trade No.
The market traded (stock, index, crypto…)
The entry date for your trade
The exit date for your trade
No. of days held
Current portfolio value
Max risk per trade (currency)
Max risk % per trade
Initial margin per instrument (CFD Spread betting)
No. Volume traded
The reason for entry
Total margin paid
Type of trade (Long / Short)
Entry price
Take profit price
Stop loss price
Closing price
Risk in trade (Entry – Stop loss)
Move in trade (close)
Interest costs
Brokerage costs
Trade exposure (In and Out)
Gross P+L
Net P+L
Don’t waste your time with calculations. Make sure you have the journal and log book with all formulas in each item. …
When you record these details, you’ll be able to keep up to date with whether your portfolio is profitable and sustainable for the long run and where it’s lacking.
Hope that helps!