SLV - Impulse Scenario ToastSLV took out the top of wave 1 so prospects for a possible bull run in silver is gone. Back to the drawing board for an analysis. Deflation is in the cards but more central bank liquidity could trigger inflation and a surge in the precious metals. Still holding my LEAP positions through Jan 22. They serve as forward hedges. In the meantime, I continue to be buying the physicals regularly. As I look around at the investment spectrum, I am hard pressed to find anything that I want to invest in. Stocks are toast, especially companies that have lots of debt. Bonds are to the moon and while they still may rise further, it is all debt and not worthy of serious investment. Have lots of cash as well as I hadn't really bought in to this market move since 2008 but cash scares me as well as we could quickly devolve into Venezuela. Where can one go? Only one place in my mind.