Bolster your MATIC coin count EVERY Monday!Yes, this article is about where to store the coin that powers the best platform for smart contracts and Dapps in Ethereum layer 2 solution format, Polygon (MATIC)! But for the uninitiated to unbanking yourself, here is a quick rundown on the Celsius application, which you should be storing your tokens/coins on. Celsius Network is reliable, easy-to-use, growing in popularity and regulated and licensed by the SEC and the U.S. Treasury. I know, surprising huh!? It is now in its 4th year. They do not spend time or money on big-money ads. They would rather pay us in interest every Monday! Word of mouth has been their main source of advertising... like I am doing now. They now have over 1 million members including me and my friends (fellow retired Air Force member) and family (my grown daughter). And so far, I see no safer way to earn 10.51% APY on your Polygon (MATIC). If you live outside the U.S., you could even boost your earnings to over 14% by opting to receive your interest in CEL tokens. But we live in Texas, so my daughter "settles" for a safe 10.51% in polygon that will soon double and triple in value. The interest is more MATIC coins! A win-win. They do have 41 tokens and coins they support including stablecoins (which pay 8.8% or more if you opt to be rewarded in CEL). I personally earn 13.99% on my SNX tokens on Celsius. It pays to check it out...and if you open an account, use my daughter's referral code: 1691390756 or mine: 189218504d
Move at least $400 worth of crypto to Celsius.Network and after 30 days, we will both be rewarded $50 worth of BTC! This beats the hell out of any brick & mortar bank!