CLF Again I come back to this as Nippos tries to pull the wool over the unions wallets with promises of capital expenditures. Now if they said they were going to put an extra 1 billion in there pensions guaranteed union might listne Gonclav as CLF has to be putting a plant to do just less the capital expenditures and less the half billion payout to out board members and gerrits 73 M
CLF Folks get ready becuase Cliffs is going to get a second chance to own US Steel it was the right choice to begin with BUUT greedy 600M senior executives who havent see the inside of a steel mill for 20 years didnt want conclave he was going to fie all of them 750 Million worth of dead beat overhead it like Howmet buying Alcoa nad Alcan took them yesrs to realize they ad tog et rid of the long dead over head and golf club memeberhsip planes
CLF if you think trump wining is good for inflation, i say no. this man will let loose on Palestine, steel is in for a bull market, i added (25% size) more around 11.7. but going to 10 i would wait for around 9s